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Herr Olmert hat gestanden: Den israelische Überfall auf den Libanon, bei dem er das Land unter anhaltendem Wegsehen der westlichen befreundeten Politiker im Sommer 2006 ungestraft in Schutt und Asche legen konnte, hatte er bereits Monate zuvor geplant.

Die Soldatenentführung war nur der leider notwendige Anlass für die Israelis, um endlich losschlagen zu können. Es liegt nahe, dass Bush, Blair, Merkel, Steinmeier & Co. vorher informiert waren und wohl deswegen das Märchen von der »Reaktion auf die Entführung« und dem »Recht« zu »Maßnahmen zur Befreiung« allesamt brav mitspielen mussten. Hey, warum sagten die uns nicht der Ehrlichkeit halber einfach, dass die Zerstörung des Libanon vorher bis ins Detail geplant war und dass sie es wussten und dass sie es gutheißen…?

So berichtet am 8. März 2007:

Lebanon war was planned in March, Olmert says

According to Ha’aretz report, prime minister told Winograd Commission he decided as early as March, 2006 to launch a ‘restrained’ military operation in case of kidnapping incident along Lebanese border
Ronny Sofer
Published: 03.08.07, 10:02 / Israel News

Prime Minister Ehud Olmert told the Winograd Commission that he decided to launch a military operation in case of a kidnapping incident along the Lebanese border as early as March, 2006, four months prior to the beginning of the war in Lebanon.

The defense minister at the time was Shaul Mofaz.

According to Olmert, whose testimony was published by Ha’aretz on Thursday, the first assessment meeting regarding the situation in Lebanon during his tenure was held on January 8, 2006, just four days after he took over for the comatose Ariel Sharon.

Additional consultations were held in March, April, May and after the kidnapping of Israeli soldier Gilad Shalit in June.

According to the Ha’aretz report, during the assessment meeting in March, Olmert asked senior IDF officers whether the army had operational plans in case of a kidnapping and received a positive response.

When asked by the officers why he wanted to see the plans, Olmert said he did not want to wait until an actual kidnapping occurred to make a decision.

The prime minister eventually chose one of the relatively ‘retrained’ plans presented to him, which included an aerial attack alongside a limited ground operation.

The Winograd Commission, which is investigating the war’s failures, is expected to present a preliminary report sometime this month.

The Prime Minister’s Office refused to comment on the report.

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