von admin | Juni 6, 2009 | Musik
The »Free Bees« are looking for help in spreading their »9/11’s a lie« music video and song far and wide. Reluctantly they have decided that even though they’re extremely proud of the work, they are releasing it anonymously. They believe that this music video has the...
von admin | Apr. 26, 2008 | Kommentare
Inzwischen kommen immer mehr Machenschaften der US-Regierung ans Licht, mit denen sie in ungeahntem Umfang Desinformation betrieb. DiePresse.com berichtet: US-Regierung “kaufte” Militärexperten für die Medien 21.04.2008 | 15:30 | (DiePresse.com) Die “New York Times”...
von admin | Aug. 9, 2007 | Design
Pinky wants some answers: Is the U.S.-led invasion and occupation of Iraq legal or illegal? Do any of the charges of illegality we’ve been hearing about have any legal basis at all? And why should we even care about international law anyway? Pinky and friends do...