"The Free Bees" on 9/11.
They believe that this music video has the potential to reach a large audience and as a work of infotainment is amusing, informative and thought provoking.
They believe that this music video has the potential to reach a large audience and as a work of infotainment is amusing, informative and thought provoking.
Inzwischen kommen immer mehr Machenschaften der US-Regierung ans Licht, mit denen sie in ungeahntem Umfang Desinformation betrieb.
Unter dem Motto "United for Truth" gingen hunderte Aktivisten aus ganz Europa in Brüssel auf die Strasse, um nach einer neuen Untersuchung des 11. September 2001 zu verlangen.
Pinky wants some answers: Is the U.S.-led invasion and occupation of Iraq legal or illegal?